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Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Local Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Please find below a list of our current governing body.

To find out more information about our governors, please click the following links to see each governor's individual pen portrait. 

Clare Booth Chairperson, and Strategy and Pupil Premium Governor
Megan Rose

Clerk to Governors 

Contact on 01522 751148 or

Sarah Dawson Curriculum, and Careers link Governor
Lyndon Duarte Disadvantaged link Governor
Gemma Curtis Head Teacher
Jane Lowe Staff Governor
Heather Ind Vice Chairperson, Parent Governor, and Safeguarding Governor
Nicola Barnes Parent Governor, and SEND Governor
Paul Armstrong Parent Governor, and Disadvantaged link Governor

Governor Pen PortraitS

Graham Wilson

My name is Graham Wilson. I am the current chair of the local governing board. I look forward to working with Mrs Curtis and the senior leadership team. My background is within both healthcare and education. 

Clare Booth

I am honoured to have been appointed Vice Chair of Cherry Willingham Primary School LGB.

The growth and development of the academy is important to us all. Previously, I served in governance at primary school level as a parent Governor, leading onto becoming Chair of the Resources committee. I have served on the LGB of The Priory Pembroke Academy since it was formed in 2017 and of which I am currently Chair of the LGB. I work with an awarding body where the learning journey is paramount, through enjoyment, exploration, quality of provision and a safe learning environment. These values are important to us all and are embraced by the school in its ethos and values. I look forward to our exciting future over the coming years.

Sarah Dawson

This is my second academic year as a local governor of your academy.  I have a responsibility for Curriculum Development and for Careers Education.  I hold a similar governor curriculum role at Priory Pembroke Academy. 

I am delighted that the recent Ofsted Report comments on how hard the school has worked in recent years to improve the curriculum.  “The school provides an ambitious curriculum for all pupils” (Ofsted 10/11/2023).

As an experienced governor with a background in education I look forward to continuing to support the school visiting all curriculum areas. The development of careers education at this stage is an important development to secure learning opportunities and pupil focus. I thoroughly enjoy the wider life of the school and have recently joined classes visiting Magna and a challenging Art lesson at Pembroke.

Lyndon Duarte 

Having been a Governor at the Priory Pembroke Academy for over 4 years, I was delighted to be invited to co-govern at Cherry Willingham Primary School. I am looking forward to working with the Headteacher, SLT and Teachers in pushing forward with the development of the school as we move forward together over the next few years. The Priory Federation of Academies Trust provides a solid framework for its schools, enabling them to grow and evolve, and to provide the ideal environment for its pupils to grow and flourish. I am very excited to now be part of the Cherry Willingham Primary School journey as well all work together and look forward to a bright future.

Heather Ind

I feel honoured to be asked to be on the governing body for the school and I look forward to working with the team. I have lived in Cherry Willingham since 2019 and I believe that the school is the heart of the community.

I am passionate about a child's learning environment being safe, inclusive and fun as I think that these three things together create a love for learning. Children are all so different and I think that education is about identifying that and nurturing a child to be the best version of themselves. I also think the voice of the parent/carer and child is essential in growing as a school. 

My professional background is that I work in the NHS and have a lot of experience of children's and adults safeguarding; prior to this role I was a secondary school teacher. 

nicola barnes 

I’m really looking forward to my second year of being a Governor at Cherry Willingham Primary and I feel privileged that I get to work with such a fantastic team, within the Priory Federation of Academies Trust. 

Our twin daughters are in their second year of attending the school and their love of learning continues to grow, thanks to the supportive, fun and safe environment that the team have created here.

My working background is in sustainability, and I am more passionate than ever about making sure that children are given the opportunity to learn about the world around them and the difference their actions can make. My focus this year, will be to ensure that Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are being well managed and ensuring that all children continue to have access to the same opportunities and learn to be their best selves.

Paul armstrong

My name is Paul and I am delighted to be offered the opportunity to be a Governor at Cherry Willingham Primary School. I am currently serving in the RAF as a Commissioned Officer and have been in the RAF for over 15 years. 

Having lived in Cherry Willingham village since 2014 I know how important the future development of the school is to the community and I am excited to be part of that journey. I am looking forward to working with Mrs Curtis and the rest of the SLT in achieving a bright future for the school. 

Mrs J Lowe

I joined the staffing team at Cherry Willingham in 2014, and both of my sons have attended the school which gave them a firm foundation in their education. I have always worked with children and families, mostly in the realm of social care. Prior to starting at Cherry Willingham Primary, I worked as a Children’s Social Worker in Grantham. I am really proud of our school and its pupils and look forward to seeing it continue to flourish, from a new perspective as a Staff Governor.

Please click the links below 

Local Governing Board Register of Interest 2023-2024

Local Governing Board Meeting Dates 2024-2025

Local Governing Board Committee Information 2024-2025