Early Years
Early Years Statement of intent
Early Years Leader is Mrs Curtis.
At Cherry Willingham Primary Academy, we believe that the Early Years Foundation Stage is crucial in securing solid foundations, that the children are going to continue to build upon through the rest of their learning journey. We work in partnership with parents and carers to encourage independent, happy learners who thrive in our academy and reach their full potential from their various starting points, and ensure that no child is left behind. . We have the same ambitions for all our children. Children with particular needs, such as those with high levels of SEND have the same opportunity to access an ambitious, rich curriculum which meets all of their needs.
Language is vital to our pupils thinking and learning, so ‘talk’ throughout our day in, every area of learning, is a moral imperative for ALL of the children. It is also our intention that the children who enter our Foundation Stage develop verbally, cognitively, emotionally and physically, whilst embedding a positive attitude to school and learning using both their inside and outside learning environment. We believe that all children deserve to be valued as an individual and we are passionate in allowing them to achieve their full, unique potential. With this in my mind, it is vital to understand and follow the children’s interests and provide opportunities throughout our EYFS curriculum to support learning, consolidate and deepen knowledge and ensure children meet their next steps, whilst preparing them to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage.
The children our Foundation Stage follow the EYFS curriculum, which has seven main areas of learning.
The Prime Areas:-
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The Specific Areas:-
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Parent/carer partnership is crucial for our academy. We strive to develop and maintain strong and respectful relationships with all our families . We keep our parents and carers informed through tapestry and a member of our Early Years team is available every morning and afternoon when the children are dropped off and collected from school. We also meet regularly with parents and carers to ensure children’s transition into school and through the EYFS is happy and allows them to reach their potential with the support needed. This includes opening mornings, workshops and parent consultations.
Our EYFS curriculum is child-centred, with an ‘in the moment’ approach, however we have broad themes and set up provocations to aid children’s initial thinking as well as first hand experiences (as much as possible), which engage the children. We encourage active learning to ensure the children are motivated and interested. We take time to get to know children’s interests and likes to support learning.
All areas of the EYFS curriculum are followed and planned for to ensure there is a broad, balanced and progressive learning environment and curriculum. The children will learn new skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate understanding through the seven areas in the EYFS curriculum as mentioned above. |
Daily whole class sessions and guided activities are set up and planned to cover different areas of the EYFS curriculum and allow children to develop their personalised next steps in learning. Areas of need and next steps are identified for all children, to ensure good progress is made. There are also a range of stimulating and engaging activities which the children can access independently and a variety of opportunities for child-initiated play. In planning and guiding children’s activities we reflect on the different ways that children learn and reflect these in our practice.
All activities and opportunities allow the children to show the Characteristics of Effective Learning. These are:
• playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;
• active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements;
• creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both the indoor and outdoor learning environment and continuous provision. Our outdoor area is free flow and used all year round and in all weather conditions.
The EYFS team make regular observations of the children’s learning to capture their learning journey and ensure their next steps are met. These are collected in each child’s Learning Journey and wow moments are shared on Tapestry. Assessment is a constant feature in our EYFS and is done throughout the day and responded to immediately, to ensure next steps are completed and if there are area’s of concern, they are responded to effectively.
In our EYFS, we strive to ensure that our children’s progress across the curriculum is at least good from their individual starting points. We also endeavour for children to reach a Good Level of Development at the end of the Foundation Stage and to be at least in line with national expectations. We also aim for the children to be ready for the next stage of their learning journey on to the National Curriculum.
please click the linkS below for further information
What to expect in the Early Foundation Stage